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Today on Spend Matters PRO: GEP (Formerly Global eProcure) Vendor Analysis (Part 4)

06/20/2012 By


Today, Thomas Kase wraps up his vendor snapshot on GEP. From the first post in this series: “Spend Matters believes that GEP has a broad suite with flexibility in deployment options. Modular rollouts with the ability to mix and match as needed (although with some modules as prerequisites for others) are supported. With the recent acquisition of Enporion, we should expect an enhanced GEP Purchase module before long.”

Further impressions (including a deep dive into the solution’s capabilities) are available in Part 2 and Part 3.

Thomas says in today’s post, “Still, based on GEP’s current spend analysis and sourcing strengths and limitations, we believe companies should include them on their shortlist of candidates, especially when looking at the need for an integrated source-to-pay suite.”

Find out why, today on Spend Matters PRO.

Sheena Moore