Analyzing the Tradeshift/C2FO Partnership: Much More Than Meets the Discounting Eye
Earlier this week, Tradeshift and C2FO announced a partnership that will enable users of the e-invoicing, connectivity and supplier network platform to access C2FO’s discounting and working capital management technology through the Tradeshift platform. On the surface, the relationship may sound somewhat similar to both an earlier partnership Tradeshift had with Taulia (before going its own route with dynamic discounting) and alternative offerings in the sector that bridge transactional connectivity between buyers and suppliers and trade financing capabilities (e.g., Tungsten, Taulia). But dig below the surface and Tradeshift and C2FO appear to be starting a relationship that could prove much for strategic for customers of both solutions – and potentially an archetype of partnerships to come in the procurement, supply chain and trade financing worlds. This Spend Matters PRO research brief provides an overview of C2FO’s unique approach to driving liquidity and working capital solutions that bridge both buyer and supplier needs. It also provides a succinct overview of the business and technology implications of the partnership and recommendations to customers of both products.