Sourcemap: Vendor Review and Assessment
When you say the words MIT and supply chain, most of us think of operations research. But MIT is incubating more than algorithms and multi-echelon planning solutions these days. It’s also helping commercialize highly pragmatic technology for much broader audiences within procurement and supply management. Sourcemap is one such technology firm with a rich history of leveraging the MIT ecosystem. The provider offers supply chain visualization and mapping capabilities designed to help organizations view their end-to-end supply chain to gain insight and understanding into performance, costs, sustainability and, especially, risk. This Spend Matters PRO research brief provides a detailed introduction Sourcemap’s capabilities, explores the provider's strengths and weaknesses, touches on the landscape of competing products and substitutes (e.g., riskmethods, Resilinc, Elementum, Achilles) and describes what types of organizations are likely to be the best fit for its capabilities. It also provides screen views into what it is like to interact with Sourcemap in practice.
CLM EPRO10/29/2018
AP/I2P Risk10/12/2022
SXM SRM05/03/2017
CLM EPRO10/29/2018
AP/I2P Risk10/12/2022
SXM SRM05/03/2017