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POOL4TOOL: Vendor Analysis (Part 1) — Background and Solution Overview

06/13/2016 By

Image by Hamik sourced from Adobe Stock

The market for direct materials-centric procurement technology is just beginning to take off in North America and the Middle East. Yet POOL4TOOL is one of only a handful of technology vendors developing specialized solutions for procurement manufacturing environments. Although not without weaknesses, POOL4TOOL is without question the “breadth” leader from a suite perspective in this market and surprisingly deep in certain functional areas. Read this Spend Matters PRO analysis to get expert analysis on whether POOL4TOOL is right for your procurement organization, as well as which other providers to consider in an evaluation alongside of it. This multi-part research brief provides a POOL4TOOL company and solution overview, a company-level SWOT analysis, product strengths and weaknesses, a competitor analysis, user selection guides and insider evaluation and selection considerations.

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