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SirionLabs: Vendor Analysis (Part 1) — Background & Solution Overview

07/20/2016 By

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As businesses, we are increasingly buying outcomes rather than widgets or labor. Yet in many ways, the general market for procurement technology still reflects a world in which we source, procure, contract and manage supplier relationships based on models that track to underlying SKUs or hourly bill rates rather than partnership-based outcomes. There are a few technology providers working to change this paradigm, including SirionLabs, which has built a suite focused on managing all aspects of complex supplier relationships after a negotiation has taken place, starting with contract authoring and proceeding to steady-state performance, relationship and risk management. Comparing SirionLabs with a traditional source-to-pay (S2P) technology suite or a vendor management system (VMS) provider with an SOW capability is like comparing boats, cars and airplanes. While all three provide transportation, they do so in environments that are foreign to each other and where hybrid approaches to date have amounted to compromises that few want to make.

This Spend Matters PRO vendor profile provides facts and expert analysis to help procurement organizations make informed decisions about whether they need a solution like SirionLabs or an alternative for complex services spend. This multi-part research brief includes a SirionLabs company and solution history and overview, company-level SWOT analysis, product strengths and weaknesses, competitor analysis, user selection guides and insider evaluation and selection considerations.

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