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Tamr: Vendor Analysis (Part 2) — Product Strengths & Weaknesses

08/08/2016 By

Image by sourced from Adobe Stock

It’s an unfortunate fact that the procurement industry rarely gets to take advantage of leading edge technologies before other functions. Sales, marketing, IT, HR and supply chain/operations are often the first within companies to play in the technology innovation sandbox. Consider customer data integration (CDI) technology, other big data applications (e.g., complex entity management/collaboration, optimization/solvers and workforce planning and measurement as just a start. Yet Tamr is helping to buck this trend, bringing one of the most powerful machine learning-based analytics platforms for managing structured and unstructured content to procurement (and other value chain areas) to show the power of the technology applied to spend, suppliers, categories and any other datasets where data complexity can drag down any procurement analytics efforts. Providing a technology vote of confidence, Google, Thomson Reuters and HP are all investors in Tamr.

This Spend Matters PRO vendor snapshot explores Tamr’s strengths and weaknesses in the spend analysis and supply analytics areas, providing facts and expert analysis to help procurement organizations decide if they should shortlist Tamr as a potential provider. Part 1 of our analysis comprised a company and detailed solution overview and a SWOT analysis, as well as a summary recommended fit suggestion for what types of organizations should consider Tamr. The remaining parts of this multipart series will offer a user selection guide, user interface (UI/UX) analysis, competitive alternatives and evaluation and selection considerations.

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