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Directworks: Vendor Analysis (Part 3) — Competitive & Summary Analysis

08/15/2016 By

Image by Nataliya Hora sourced from Adobe Stock

While the number of providers in the generic sourcing platform market is overwhelming, the universe of direct materials procurement technology vendors, especially in North America, is small. Directworks is one of a handful of firms specializing in supporting manufacturing procurement activities, from design and engineering collaboration with suppliers to bill of material-based strategic sourcing activities to joint cost take out initiatives in the supply chain.

This final installment of this multipart Spend Matters PRO Vendor Snapshot series covering Directworks offers a competitive analysis and comparison with other direct materials procurement providers as well as alternative solutions (and vendors) that manufacturers may wish to consider. It also includes a user selection guide, user interface and user experience (UI/UX) analysis and summary evaluation and selection considerations. Part 1 and Part 2 of this PRO research series provide a company and deep dive solution overview, a SWOT analysis, product strengths and weaknesses and a recommended fit analysis for what types of organizations should consider Directworks.

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