It’s 2018: What New Questions Do You Have About Procurement?
As Spend Matters analysts, editors and readers went on much-deserved vacations over the winter holidays, Ask Spend Matters went on a short hiatus, too.
But as everyone settles back into their offices, hopefully more relaxed and refreshed, we at Spend Matters are eager to see where Ask Spend Matters goes this year. And so consider this our 2018 call for reader questions: What have you always wondered about procurement or supply chain but have been afraid to ask? What do you want to know more about?
For new readers who may have missed the summer 2017 launch of Ask Spend Matters, the purpose of this feature is for you, the reader, to tell us what to investigate and report. You enter a question into the Ask Spend Matters box (see bottom of this page), and the Spend Matters editors report and publish an article answering the question.
Last year, we published articles addressing reader questions on topics that ran the gamut from big data to tail spend to which services procurement areas get the most negative press from suppliers. You can check out the the full series of Ask Spend Matters articles below:
- What’s the cost of having a long supply tail, and how do you determine the “right” supply base?
- Big data in public procurement: strategic enabler or leaker of inconvenient truths?
- Centralized, decentralized or hybrid sourcing structure: how do we decide?
- Building supply market intelligence: which data sources are the best?
- Do other services procurement areas get as much negative press from suppliers as marketing procurement?
- ‘Ask Spend Matters’ Lightning Round: Marketing Spend, Public Procurement and Finding a Contractor
- Is a group purchasing organization (GPO) right for me?
Of course, Ask Spend Matters wouldn’t be in existence if it weren’t for reader questions, so let us know what is on your mind for 2018 and send us your questions via the box below!
Procurement can be a mysterious profession. We want to help our readers clear the air, cut through the noise — and do their jobs better. How’s that for a New Year’s resolution?
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