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BidMode: Vendor Analysis (Part 2) — Solution Strengths, Weaknesses and SWOT

04/25/2018 By

This Spend Matters PRO Vendor Introduction continues our initial coverage of BidMode, a recent entrant in the sourcing optimization sector. If you’re curious about how BidMode stacks up on a comparative basis to Coupa, Jaggaer, Keelvar and others in the Sourcing Optimizer persona, you’ll need to wait until our Q2 2018 SolutionMap release, in which EC Sourcing — with BidMode pre-integrated — features its optimization capability.

This two-part Spend Matters PRO Vendor Introduction provides a candid take on BidMode and its solutions. This second installment analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of BidMode’s solution, as well as offers an overall SWOT analysis and summary perspective on the provider. Part 1 of this brief includes an overview of the BidMode, describes its capabilities and provides a checklist for those that might consider the provider.

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