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Sievo: What Makes It Great (Spend Analytics SolutionMap Analysis)

For many years, best-in-class spend analytics providers would get their technologies and businesses to a certain point and then, on a clockwork basis, decide to sell themselves to broader procurement technology or business intelligence vendors. Sievo was, perhaps, the first provider we know to break the pattern of this trend, building an over $10MM business (and growing) specifically in the spend analytics market. We have the founders of Sievo to thank for staying the course – since they have given us an independent spend analytics solution that is one of the top ranked by both Spend Matters analysts and customers in the latest SolutionMap benchmark.

But Sievo is not like other spend analysis providers that beat the functional and customer satisfaction benchmark – at least not entirely. It has a unique set of capabilities, both functionally and from a broader services perspective, that enable it to serve multiple masters, including finance and supply chain organizations, addressing not only savings tracking that finance is willing to “sign-off” on, but also commodity management and volatility as well (the topic du jour in manufacturing these days, owing to tariffs, trade wars and general market volatility).

Perhaps it is no surprise, then, that Sievo outperforms most other spend analytics providers in the Q2 2018 Spend Analytics SolutionMap benchmark. Sievo’s Q2 2018 SolutionMap performance provides compelling evidence, based on both analyst ratings and customer reference scoring, that the provider is a “must” shortlist candidate for nearly all spend analytics buying scenarios. Join us in exploring what makes Sievo great, based on the latest functional and customer SolutionMap benchmarks from Q2 2018.

“What Makes It Great” is a recurring column that shares insights from each quarterly SolutionMap report for SolutionMap Insider Subscribers. Based on both our rigorous evaluation process and customer reference reviews, each brief explains how the provider excels and where it beats the SolutionMap benchmark, concluding with a checklist for ideal customer scenarios in which procurement, finance and supply chain organizations should consider the vendor.

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