Tradeshift: What Makes It Great (Invoice-to-Pay SolutionMap Analysis)
There has been no greater transformation from a vendor in the procurement and finance software sectors than Tradeshift’s growth in recent years. Within the solution category Spend Matters terms invoice-to-pay — which includes accounts payable (AP) automation, e-invoicing, receivables and payables financing, supplier networks and related capabilities — Tradeshift is now one of the top-performing vendors based on demonstrated technology capability in the Q2 2018 Invoice-to-Pay SolutionMap.
Tradeshift has differentiated its invoicing and payments solutions in a number of functional areas. As the Q2 2018 Invoice-to-Pay SolutionMap illustrates, Tradeshift delivers above-the-benchmark functional capability in over 80% of the requirements that Spend Matters tracks. Its SolutionMap performance provides compelling evidence that the provider is a must-shortlist candidate for all invoice-to-pay buying scenarios.
“What Makes It Great” is a recurring column that shares insights from each quarterly SolutionMap report for SolutionMap Insider subscribers. Based on both our rigorous evaluation process and customer reference reviews, each brief offers quick facts on the provider, describes where it excels, provides hard data on where it beats the SolutionMap benchmark and concludes with a checklist for ideal customer scenarios in which procurement, finance and supply chain organizations should consider it.