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Coupa Sourcing: What Makes It Great (Sourcing SolutionMap Analysis)

As of Q3 2018, Spend Matters SolutionMap contains functional and customer satisfaction benchmarks on more than 50 different procurement software providers, 17 of which offer e-sourcing software. In the latest Q3 SolutionMap benchmark dataset, Coupa takes first place in Analyst scoring, aided not only by best-in-class sourcing optimization capabilities from its acquisition of Trade Extensions but also by other enhancements it has made throughout the sourcing lifecycle.

But where does Coupa stand out the most and “set the bar” across the more than 100 functional benchmarks that comprise the Sourcing SolutionMap? And why should this matter for sourcing and category teams? Let’s dive into the Sourcing SolutionMap benchmark to find out.

“What Makes It Great” is a recurring column that shares insights from each quarterly SolutionMap report for SolutionMap Insider subscribers. Based on both our rigorous evaluation process and customer reference reviews, each brief offers quick facts on the provider, describes where it excels, provides hard data on where it beats the SolutionMap benchmark and concludes with a checklist for ideal customer scenarios in which procurement, finance and supply chain organizations should consider it.

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