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E-Procurement Catalog Management and Search (Part 3): Jaggaer Indirect Analysis

11/05/2018 By

Since its early days, Jaggaer has quietly been one of the true leaders in search and catalog management as a component of e-procurement. While Jaggaer has several product lines, its Indirect solution (formerly SciQuest) continues to excel at e-procurement. Its search and catalog management also remain areas where it continues to deliver on the innovative capabilities that originally differentiated its solution in the higher education/laboratory and life sciences area, today applied more broadly to the additional vertical sectors Jaggaer is targeting.

This Spend Matters PRO series examines the catalog management capabilities of some of the top vendors within e-procurement. Most of the leading solution providers featured in the E-Procurement and Procure-to-Pay SolutionMaps can handle the nuances required of search and catalog management.

The first two briefs in this series, E-Procurement Catalog Management and Search: Introduction and Tradeshift Analysis and E-Procurement Catalog Management and Search: Oracle Analysis, provided a summary overview of the “best practice” Coupa is attempting to achieve by combining its own capability with Aquiire and Simeno. Today, we turn our attention to another top performing e-procurement provider: Jaggaer Indirect.

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