Sourcing and Engaging the Independent/Freelance Workforce — An Emerging Ecosystem? (Part 2)
In Part 1 of this five-part Spend Matters PRO series, we asked the question: “As a service procurement manager, should I be paying more attention — maybe even taking action on — the independent contract workforce (ICW) as a supply of skills/expertise?” Answering this complicated question requires looking at the state of the ICW population and, more importantly, the extent to which an ecosystem of ICW technology solutions, intermediaries and value-added service providers is taking shape.
In Part 1, we tried to cut through the gig-economy hype and see what has really been happening in the supply-side population of independent contract workers over the past three years. Starting in Part 2Part 2, we will now begin to assess to what extent there has been evidence of the emergence/formation of a new ecosystem from the standpoint of enabling organizations’ usage of (source, engage, manage and pay) independent/freelance workforce. We will also review findings from a panel survey.
In Part 3Part 3, we will continue this same assessment, but dissecting that emerging ecosystem at the category and provider level. In Part 4 Part 4, we will provide a similar assessment, but from the standpoint of how ICWs are enabled/supported to function as viable operators. In Part 5 Part 5, we will synthesize the findings and offer recommendations for services procurement practitioners and senior executives.