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Tipalti: Vendor Analysis (Part 1) — Background and Solution Overview

04/14/2020 By

The market for AP automation solutions has shown visible growth recently, as illustrated by increased M&A activity, rising interest from investors like private equity firms, and P2P vendors that are adding more advanced payment capabilities to their solutions, incorporating processing and money transfer capabilities beyond traditional OK-to-pay features.

Given this, Spend Matters recently launched our first SolutionMap for AP Automation, which includes Tipalti as one of the inaugural participants.

Tipalti is an AP automation solution that specializes in the automation of payments. Its solution extends from the capture of the invoices, validation, matching, approval for payment to the issuing of the payment itself — regardless of the payment method, currency or geography. In addition, Tipalti captures, validates and manages the information of all the suppliers to whom a payment will be issued.

This three-part Spend Matters PRO Vendor Snapshot series offers facts and analysis to help accounts payable and procurement organizations make informed decisions about whether they should explore this software provider.

Part 1 a company background and detailed solution overview, as well as a summary recommended fit suggestion for when organizations should consider Tipalti as a complement to other procurement and finance solutions. The remaining parts will cover product strengths and weaknesses, insights on competitors, a SWOT analysis, and insider evaluation and selection considerations.

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