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‘Safe Work Playbook’ for coronavirus — A tool kit for rebooting operations

04/22/2020 By


Lear Corp., “a global automotive technology leader in Seating and E-Systems,” has published a 50-page guide to safely resume operations in the new normal of the coronavirus pandemic. Spend Matters readers may find the “Safe Work Playbook” to be a practical guide that is helpful in their own organizations.

Lear President and CEO Ray Scott stated in the introduction to the playbook: “We are deeply focused on keeping our employees, customers and suppliers safe while working at our facilities and supporting our business. (We have developed) a ‘playbook’ that lays out processes to raise awareness of new health and well-being protocols and potentially helpful practices for cross-functional teamwork, operating discipline and training for employees.”

“While it is not a one-size-fits-all approach,” Scott says, “the Safe Work Playbook includes practical recommendations, based on guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization, that could be tailored by businesses to address various scenarios they may face when returning to work. Regular updates will be made to the playbook based on real-time feedback.”

The Safe Work Playbook presents a comprehensive set of practical policies:

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Each topic provides more-detailed suggested policies. For example, Pandemic Response Team:

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Note, above, that the PPE & Materials Lead role could be filled by a procurement manager.

Besides the specific protocols for plants and facilities, suggested policies for Employee (and Contractor) Training and Health and Wellness are provided (along with downloadable, editable facilities signage).

Many organizations may have already started developing their own safety protocols, in which case this playbook might offer some new ideas. For organizations that are just getting started or are struggling to begin, this may be a good place to start.

The Safe Work Playbook can be downloaded here.