‘The answer to a better nation is supplier inclusion’
Procurement veterans Daryl Hammett and Jason Busch, who have expertise in supplier diversity and the power of how businesses spend their money, propose in a new paper that the economic and racial disparity that’s forcing the United States to confront long-standing inequalities can be eased by greater access to business opportunities.
They realized current programs were not working, and their paper proposes business and policy changes to enable what the authors describe as “supplier inclusion” to create lasting change and economic uplift.
Daryl and Jason believe that a business solution, with procurement and “spend” at the center, can address inequality in these trying times in the United States, with the hopes of driving permanent economic benefits to end cycles of discrimination and poverty, especially within African American communities.
They believe the answer to a better nation is supplier inclusion, a concept introduced and explored in their paper.
Read about supplier inclusion and 10 ways to support it here.