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Product cost management tool overview: Galorath’s SEER suite of costing solutions (Part 1) — Solution overview

07/20/2020 By


Hello there, spend analytics / Product Cost Management crowd. In March, we started our series on deep dives into product cost management tools, looking at WTP, What's the Price. Recently, we continued the PCM product round-up with a two-part review of aPriori here and here.

Over the last few weeks, I have spoken with some of the senior executive team at Galorath Inc., a firm that has been on the forefront of knowledge-based project and product cost estimation for over 40 years. Galorath makes the SEER suite of software tools. I caught up with their VP of Product Development, Karen McRitchie, and VP of Strategic Sales, Brian Glauser, to view in-depth demos and explanations of some of their products (you too can view some of these demo’s on Galorath’s YouTube channel).

This two-part Spend Matters PRO series will include a company background, a solution overview and a detailed look at its capabilities. Part 2 will explore the use cases (manufacturing, software and even space), discuss implementation/ROI, detail its data capabilities and offer a summary analysis.

So, let’s continue on our walk through the enchanted forest of spend analytics / costing software solutions with a look at Galorath’s SEER.

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