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Infor Nexus: Vendor Analysis (Part 2) — SWOT, Competitors & Market Overview, Selection Tips

09/16/2020 By

In Part 2 of this Spend Matters PRO Vendor Analysis, we’ll look at Infor Nexus’s competitors and market landscape, as well as provide a company SWOT assessment.

Infor Nexus’s value proposition is focused on the direct material purchasing space. Infor Nexus procurement’s business model starts from the PO reception (issued by the ERP) and goes up to the payment and financing process, passing through the matching, approvals and fulfillment processes.

In Part 1, we focused on Infor Nexus’ company details, a brief solution overview, and its solution’s strengths and weaknesses. The third and final installment provides a more in-depth overview of Infor Nexus procurement’s platform capabilities.

This article requires a paid membership that has access to AP Automation / Invoice-to-Pay.
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