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Release note, SolutionMap Fall 2020: Accounts Payable (AP) Automation

This Spend Matters SolutionMap Insider release note provides insight into the SolutionMap Fall 2020 release for the AP Automation category. The note reviews the process that we follow and highlights what has changed since the last SolutionMap release.

This is the first Fall release since the start of semiannual SolutionMap cycles. Going forward, there will be two releases per year, Spring and Fall.

AP automation is a major portion of the Invoice-to-Pay (I2P) technology market and will be harmonized with our broader I2P SolutionMap category in the future. For now, it will be considered a standalone map.

What’s new in the Fall 2020 Accounts Payable (AP) AutomationSolutionMap?

Spend Matters updated the bubble size methodology of the SolutionMap rankings. The bubble size previously represented the number of customers served by a vendor. This method did not adequately convey a vendor's experience and resources to handle complex global deployments. As such, the new bubble size considers:

  • global market scale based on the number of customers across the globe
  • number of full-time employees focused on the relevant solution(s)
  • revenue per customer in the relevant solution(s)

These factors were determined by the analyst team, and vendors were given the opportunity to validate the inputs.

Fourteen vendors are ranked in the category for this release, an increase of 8 vendors since this category’s debut last SolutionMap cycle.

For the Fall 2020 release, five vendors are new to AP Automation SolutionMap and three existing SolutionMap participants expanded their categories to include AP Automation.

The new providers are:

  • AvidXchange
  • Corcentric Payables Automation (COR360)
  • Infor
  • Medius (Wax Digital) — now merged has newly entered AP. It also is newly participating in Invoice-to-Pay (I2P) and Procure-to-Pay (P2P), plus it’s continuing Wax’s participation in E-Procurement, CLM, Sourcing and Supplier Management.
  • SourceDay

The providers expanding into AP Automation are:

  • Determine (Corcentric) — also participating in Source-to-Pay (S2P)
  • GEP — also participating in S2P
  • Opus Capita — also participating in I2P, E-Procurement and P2P

Customer references now have a lifespan of two-and-a-half years before they need to be updated. The set of AP Automation customer references had 66 new individual customer references for this release.

All readers can get a first look at the free Fall 2020 SolutionMap rankings here.

SolutionMap Insider members can learn more about each vendor in the Fall 2020 Provider Scoring Summary reports right here.