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Beyond Spend Influence: Enabling Procurement’s Emerging Roles in Business Transformation (Part 6) — Transforming the Supply Network

11/12/2020 By

In the previous two installments of this Spend Matters PRO series, we explored how procurement can improve its influence within the broader supply chain by supporting product/service lifecycles and transcending mechanistic BOM-based sourcing workflows to also focus on revenue uplift, supplier innovation and “design for supply” use cases.

In this installment, we will finish our coverage of how procurement (with the help of its functional partners) can enable the product/service lifecycle and the end-to-end supply network. And then we’ll wrap up this series on some transformation lessons learned in turning episodic moments of procurement influence into a more systematic evolution of procurement value.

Part 1 of this series laid out the need for leadership in procurement to help bring about transformational change — and how to work with stakeholders. In Part 2, we discussed how progressive procurement organizations were improving their influence through coherent communication and alignment of procurement “services” to various stakeholders.

Part 3 dove into procurement improving its influence into indirect spending and how it can improve how the business gets more value from its spend and its “spend management” process (e.g., dovetailing into the business planning process).

Part 4 was an introduction to attention to supply management and direct procurement influence. For Part 5, we dug into what it takes to create strategic supply partners and also consider the technology vendors needed for extended supply networks.

Now let’s look more into procurement’s role in transforming supply networks.

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