The Contingent Workforce and Services (CW/S) Insiders’ Hot List: March 2021
Welcome to the March 2021 edition of Spend Matters Insiders’ Hot List, a monthly look at the contingent workforce and services (CW/S) space. For those new to this Spend Matters PRO column, each edition covers the month’s important or interesting technology and innovation developments in the CW/S space.
Our last Hot List for February 2021 covered a range of developments, including the Beeline and Brightfield guided-buying collaboration, Globality’s integration with SAP Fieldglass, WillHire’s industrial staffing solution, and much more.
March has shown that CW/S technology and innovation are blooming, and the overall landscape is being gradually altered. From inside formal contingent workforce programs, this may not be visible. Therefore, it’s good to step outside every once in a while, take in the scenery and smell the roses.
So let’s see what was going on in March 2021.
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