Agiloft vs. Icertis: Contract lifecycle management head-to-head technology evaluation and comparison
The contract lifecycle management market is fascinating in its breadth. Since all businesses operate on contracts, the technology is highly applicable not only across industries but also across market segments in terms of customer size. Indeed, contract management solutions exist for businesses of all sizes, from SME-focused tools with simple repository or document generation capability to intricate, enterprise-wide CLM platforms that serve multinationals.
But just because there are distinct segments in this market does not mean that vendors always stay in their lane. Far from it. As many providers pursue growth, the lines between mid-market and enterprise specialists have increasingly blurred. This has put multiple providers on a collision course, with enterprise providers moving down market and mid-market specialists climbing up into the enterprise space.
Agiloft and Icertis encapsulate this trend perfectly. Agiloft has a broad customer base, with approximately 630 customers on its CLM product ranging from SMEs to enterprises with more than $2 billion in revenue. Icertis has a more focused customer count (more than 225) and historically has served large global businesses. Yet recent funding rounds and product developments have positioned both to extend into each others’ home territories — which merits a round in the Spring 2021 CLM SolutionMap Head-to-Head evaluation ring.
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In multiple CLM categories — which include contract information management, contract process management, CLM analytics, configurability and underlying technology — Icertis comes out on top. But in at least one other, Agiloft provides an impressive counterblow, and in specific functional matchups Agiloft comes out swinging with unique strengths that illustrate its ability to address specific customer types.
Spend Matters’ head-to-head columns share the insights of each fall and spring SolutionMap update. Subscribers to our PRO analyst content and SolutionMap Insider content can read the head-to-head columns, which provide comparative cuts of SolutionMap benchmark data for two solutions. For each column, we provide comparisons against the S2P-wide benchmarks, comparative scoring of vendors across dozens of functional requirements, and our analysts’ take on how each solution holds up in the competitive ring.
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CLM SOURCING05/10/2021
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