Felix: Vendor Analysis — Overview of vendor management and sourcing solution, strengths/weaknesses, roadmap, Felix competitors, customer feedback, analyst summary

If you analyze the major enterprise suites in the S2P space, you will see that they all have one thing in common: They all started out focusing on the procurement of goods, either (indirect) finished goods for consumption and sale or the purchase of raw materials for production (direct) and finished goods, but mostly finished goods in the beginning.
In total, though, there are really four major areas of procurement. In addition to indirect and direct goods, there are also services. But the fourth category is complex project management. It is common to three types of industries — raw materials (mining, O&G, agri-production, etc.), utilities (energy, water, telco, etc.), and facilities (construction, facility management, etc.). Complex project management is a situation in which an organization has to procure equipment (leases), service personnel (to operate the equipment and do the work), and specialized materials for consumption in an integrated project with a project plan.
This fourth category is rather elusive for many suite players because a platform not only has to support the sourcing of services and the procurement of equipment but also has to manage projects that really consist of multiple sourcing events (as the providers of the equipment, personnel, and materials are usually completely separate businesses) and, most importantly, vendor qualification processes that go well beyond simple financial checks and product checks.
Stepping in to fill this gap is Felix, a 9-year-old vendor out of Brisbane, Australia. It specializes in supporting the high-risk supply chains of those companies that need to find vendors, extensively vet them (for requirements, regulations and compliance), manage them as part of multi-stage multi-RFX sourcing projects, and keep track of their performance and compliance over time.
This Spend Matters PRO Vendor Analysis explores the concept behind Felix and describes the platform, application and supporting services that the vendor delivers. It also offers a company roadmap, gives a verified customer reference analysis, lists Felix’s possible competitors and finishes with key analyst takeaways.