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Onventis: Vendor Analysis, downstream P2P (Part 2) — Solution strengths/weaknesses, in-depth solution details, analyst summary

07/07/2021 By

It would be a reasonable assumption to make that P2P suites (or S2P in the case of Onventis) are normally solutions that only work well for mature organizations. But that is not necessarily the case for middle-market organizations. The reality is that there are solutions like Onventis’ that are 100% focused on the middle market and have great success.

Onventis’ suite can compete in the upstream source-to-contract area (see our coverage here: Part 1, Part 2) and in the downstream P2P areas of e-procurement and invoice-to-pay/AP automation.

Today’s series focuses on P2P, and in part 1 of Spend Matters’ PRO Vendor Analysis series, we detailed the company background, gave a solution overview, offered a SWOT analysis, listed Onventis’ P2P competitors and offered tech selection tips.

In this Part 2, we’ll examine the solution’s strengths and weaknesses, do a deep dive into its solution modules and capabilities, and offer an analyst summary.

This article requires a paid membership that has access to AP Automation / Invoice-to-Pay or Procure-to-Pay.
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