eWorld 2022 — Discover the right solution for your digital procurement and ESG initiatives
The global challenges, and changes, that businesses have endured over the past 18 months have left many organizations prioritising investment in procurement digitization, not just to automate and future-proof their P2P processes, but just as importantly to help with their ESG/GRC agendas.
But how do you know which procurement technology solution providers have augmented their offerings with ESG capabilities? And how do you know the best partner to choose for you?
This is one of the subjects being explored at this Spring’s eWorld Procurement and Supply event in London. Titled “Bouncing Back Better: Building a Resilient & Sustainable Future” eWorld will bring together (in person!) senior procurement, supply chain and finance executives from organizations across the commercial and public sectors to learn and discuss how procurement can help the world of business pivot towards a more sustainable future.
Spend Matters’ Global Head of Strategic Accounts, Jenny Draper, will be delivering advice and intelligence gathered from Spend Matters’ own substantial data-backed research into the global procurement, finance and supply chain technology landscape. This procurement benchmarking solution drives the strategic technology purchasing decisions of procurement organizations all over the world.
Expect to receive:
Insight into which vendors have raised their ESG-centric offerings effectively
“ESG is an umbrella term for so many initiatives,” explains Jenny. “So I want to help firms identify and understand how technology can help them with their individual needs and ambitions. If you work in an organization that now has an ESG mandate from the board, then in your role as procurement lead, whether public- or private-sector, you need to interpret that mandate and how you implement it.
“You will need to know what ESG metrics are being set for you, what metrics you are setting and what metrics you need to cascade down to your team. And this is important, because the metrics are very different depending on your industry. A manufacturer of metals or computers for example will be more focused on sustainable and ethical sourcing and provenance, including through all tiers of the supply chain, whereas a services provider might focus on making their offices as carbon-neutral as possible and closely monitoring their supply chain for sustainability standards and efforts.
“The important thing is that once you have, and understand, your metrics, which technologies can help you fulfil and monitor them in a reliable data-driven way?
“One of the challenges I’ll be exploring at eWorld is the fragmented landscape of the ESG-enabled solution providers. Whether they specialize in the sourcing process, the risk-management process or the whole SRM-related sphere of supplier and deeper supplier-tier risk monitoring, it’s important to discover which tech has the capability to help you do that.
“Finding out which vendors have incorporated an ESG function, whether that be monitoring or reporting, into their solutions can be a minefield. So I aim to give a view of precisely who is doing what and how it can help you.”
Check out Spend Matters’ 5-step “Procurement Technology Buyer’s Guide” for tech-selection tips.
Tips on finding the right technology despite pandemic restrictions
“Another side of the challenge to consider is budget constraints (that might be the result of economic challenges coming out of the pandemic) and the remote nature of working in which many of us find ourselves.
“Firstly, the tech vendors have made it their business to identify gaps in needs and accommodate their solutions to fit all sizes of organization and all sizes of requirement. There is tech to suit every budget, and I’ll be taking a deeper look at that.
“Secondly, anyone who wants to implement technology can do so now, and can so remotely. So whether you are a multinational with locations all over the world, or a single outlet with one location, there’s a tech to match your needs. So a solution you can budget for, implement swiftly and without any need for physical presence in your offices, is available now. And I’ll be explaining how the cloud has made that possible.”
Jenny will wrap up with a roundup of the procurement tech solution landscape we see for 2022 — the trends and possibilities.
So join us on Tuesday 1st March 2022 at the Grand Connaught Rooms in London by registering for free here to take part in:
- More than 25 cutting-edge sessions on the latest industry issues
- Practical advice on harnessing the potential of new technologies
- Face-to-face, in depth discussions with leading technology experts and suppliers
- Thought leadership and insight from a range of industry experts
- First-hand case studies from senior procurement practitioners
- Peer-to-peer networking
eWorld 2022 brings together practitioners, consultants, solution providers and media for a day of keynotes, focused briefings, case studies and networking opportunities, all free to attend!
We hope to see you there.