Release note, S2C SolutionMap Spring 2022: Sourcing, Spend and Procurement Analytics, Supplier Relationship Management & Risk, Contract Lifecycle Management and Source-to-Contract (S2C) suites (previously Strategic Procurement Technology, or SPT, suites)
This Spend Matters SolutionMap Insider release note provides insight into the SolutionMap Spring 2022 release for the following five categories: Sourcing, Spend and Procurement Analytics, Supplier Relationship Management & Risk (SRM), Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM), and Source-to-Contract (S2C) (previously Strategic Procurement Technologies).
The note reviews the process we follow and highlights what has changed since the last release.
What’s new in the Spring 2022 Source-to-Contract (S2C) SolutionMap?
Two new vendors joined SolutionMap. RFP360 and RheinBrücke Technology are now participating in Sourcing; RheinBrücke also joined Supplier Relationship Management & Risk.
ProcurePort, an existing Sourcing participant, expanded participation into Supplier Relationship Management & Risk. Procurence, an existing Supplier Relationship Management & Risk expanded participation into Sourcing, including Direct Materials.
In Sourcing, Bid Ops is now Arkestro and EC Sourcing is now called Simfoni, formerly EC Sourcing. In Supplier Relationship Management & Risk, APEX Analytix is now apexanalytix. In Contract Lifecycle Management, Symfact is Scanmarket (Symfact). In Supplier Relationship Management & Risk, Spendency is now called Onventis (Spendency). and Rosslyn Data Technologies is now Rosslyn.
Some 112 new or refreshed customer references were added in the Source-to-Contract areas. Customer references from Q1 and Q2 2019 expired after 2.5 years of use.
To improve the data-gathering process, Spend Matters has developed a secure, user-friendly portal to facilitate the vendor functionality scoring process. It will ease the burden of the thorough RFI process for both vendors and the SolutionMap team and automatically write scores to the master database. Thoroughly tested by a subset of vendors and the analyst team this cycle, the new portal will be rolled out to all participating SolutionMap vendors for the Fall 2022 cycle.
Get a first look at the Spring 2022 SolutionMap comparative quadrant graphics here.
SolutionMap Insider members: Learn more about each vendor by accessing the Provider Scoring Summary reports right here.