Medius: P2P Vendor Analysis (Part 3) — In-depth P2P solution details, analyst summary
For organizations evaluating procure-to-pay solutions it is also important to consider the order in which you implement the solution: it is not always the same — some might think that starting with e-procurement is the best way, but that is not always the case. Of course, it will depend on the strategy and needs of each organization. However, we have learned with Medius that starting with AP automation could be most beneficial when implementing the e-procurement solution. We know that implementations can make a project a success or a failure. Medius has proven in our SolutionMap benchmark analysis to have a comprehensive P2P solution that is quite robust no matter where you start your implementation.
Parts 1 and 2 of this Medius P2P vendor analysis offered a company background, a SWOT analysis and an overview of Medius competitors as well as a look at P2P product strengths and weaknesses and tech selection tips.
In this final installment we go deep into all details: platform, implementation and support services, Supplier Portal, e-procurement for indirect, direct and services considerations, global invoicing/AP automation requirements, payment connectivity and financial ecosystem partner options, and underlying P2P analytics. The analysis concludes with an analyst summary.