Positive Purchasing’s Capella: Vendor Analysis — Category Management solution, overview, competitors, tech selection tips, analyst summary
This Spend Matters Vendor Analysis gives an overview of Positive Purchasing’s Capella, a category strategy management solution.
Despite being a discipline at the center of many procurement discussions, many organizations fail to execute Category Management (CatMan) in the most efficient or effective way. Too often, steps are missed, or strategies are not applied because they reside in Powerpoints, Sharepoints, etc. Therefore, solutions that ensure that category teams follow a structured and proven process and that strategies flow to execution are needed. Positive Purchasing’s Capella solution draws on years of experience to offer such possibilities with depth, robustness and a wealth of support and educational content available to organizations that want to guide or upskill their teams.
This Vendor Analysis provides an overview of Positive Purchasing’s Capella, a look at the competitive landscape, selection tips and an analyst summary.
Here’s why Capella matters:
To the market — Capella serves a mostly untouched niche, the digitalization of strategy in procurement.
To customers — Capella’s customers benefit from a solution built on years of experience that includes a proven framework, toolset and recommendations to enhance their strategic capabilities and track execution.
To potential buyers — Capella’s solution is for organizations that want to improve governance, definition and execution of sound sourcing strategies.
S2C SOURCING06/07/2022
S2C SOURCING06/07/2022