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Spendscape by McKinsey: Vendor Analysis (Part 1) — Spend and CO2 analytics solution overview, company background, platform and services overview, modules and application overview, roadmap and vision

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This Spend Matters Vendor Analysis provides an overview of Spendscape by McKinsey and its solution for spend and CO2 analytics.

Analytics are vital to the success of a procurement team, as data-driven decision making, improving efficiency and productivity, risk management, cost reduction and much more all depend on solid analytics. While many tools include analytics in the loosest sense, it takes an expertly designed analytics-focused tool to deliver the full value possible. 

Spendscape by McKinsey is one such analytical tool that specializes in spend and carbon analytics. It was built after McKinsey acquired Orpheus, a best-of-breed spend analytics provider, in 2020. McKinsey maintained the original analytics capabilities of Orpheus, added carbon analytics and improved the service offering of the tool with its own expertise.

Part 1 of this update provides a detailed overview of each module and includes an analyst summary. Part 2 will further detail the solution’s strengths and opportunities, review the competitive landscape and provide selection tips. 

Here’s why Spendscape by McKinsey Matters:

To the market — Spendscape shows what happens when a solid technology platform gets taken over by expert consultants: it excels in both data analysis and services. 

To potential buyers — Spendscape focuses heavily on identifying spend opportunities, not just static analysis, which helps its clients take steps to improve their spend, not just monitor it.

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