Commodities in focus: a new era of stagflation looms – what is it and how will it impact energy and food commodities?
Date: 06/22/2022
Time 15:00
End Date: 06/22/2022
Has stagflation arrived? Have we returned to the 1970s? How will stagflation impact food and energy pricing?
In this fourth installment of the ‘Commodity in Focus’ webinar series, The Smart Cube experts will answer these key questions and discuss the looming risk of stagflation.
During the webinar, we will explore:
· Current inflation in food and energy prices
· Stagflation – what is it, what are the drivers and risks?
· The impact of stagflation on food and energy prices – the outlook for 2022-23
· Q&As
The webinar will be hosted by Sidharth Kalia with our commodities experts Nishita Sharma and Kumar Amit presenting their insights.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Date and time: Jun 22, 2022 03:00 PM BST