The Digital Contracting Conundrum: Procurement Suites vs. Pure-Play CLM

Date: 10/19/2021 Time 10:00 End Date: 10/19/2021 Time 11:00

Most P2P / S2P application suites are equipped with built-in contract lifecycle management (CLM) capabilities. While these buy-side suites have been a popular CLM option, this option must be evaluated with requisite scrutiny and rigor given the increased complexity and growing strategic importance of the contracting function.

Besides driving automation-based efficiencies, CLM solutions today are expected to enable seamless collaboration across enterprise functions, unlock contract intelligence and deliver real business impact. Given these enhanced set of expectations, can the buy-side suites match the new generation of specialized, AI-powered ‘smarter contracting’ CLM applications?

Join us for this exciting and highly relevant discussion on 19th October to hear what experts have to say on this topic. The webinar panel features Pierre Mitchell, Chief Research Officer, Spend Matters, Toby Yu, Managing Director, KPMG and Rajeev Kumar, Chief Revenue Officer, SirionLabs.