Cloudia Ltd

Cloudia is a leading global provider of digital procurement performance solutions. Our comprehensive product portfolio includes solutions for both the strategic and the operational aspects of procurement – eSourcing, Contract Management, Supplier Management and networking with suppliers at Marketplace.

Our passion to help procurement create greater business impact is reflected among the hundreds of procurement solution deployments that we have undertaken over the last ten years.

Founded in 2008, Cloudia enjoys the unique business ecosystem of Finland. We have the strongest digital knowledge capital in Europe and the workforce that has the highest proportion of ICT specialists in the world. On top of that, Finnish companies are number one in the use of cloud services.

Company Info


Ludviginkatu 3A, Helsinki, Helsinki, 00130, Finland


+ 358 20 766 1071


In Their Own Words: Cloudia Ltd

Cloudia is a global provider of digital procurement solutions offering a complete suite of Source2Contract services.

Consistent growth of +40% for the past 5 years indicate Cloudia’s excellence in the business.

Combining our expertise in digital technologies and sourcing processes we help our customers transform their procurement capabilities and deliver absolute profit growth.

Cloudia operates to some of the highest information security and data protection standards there are​ (ISO 27001) and the information security levels of our solutions are defined in accordance with instructions from VAHTI, the Finnish Government Information Security Management Board. Our data centers and our servers are located within the EU and always comply with the law of the country of operation.

With Cloudia solutions you can see your work become more predictive, transparent, routinized and proactive while requiring minimal human intervention.

Company Profile


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