
GoSupply is a smart, real-time suppliers’ risks monitoring platform. GoSupply empowers organizations to move away from static pre-qualification programs into a platform that prequalifies/homologates suppliers, generates risk-adjusted BI and real-time risk alerts, and integrates risk KPIs into your ERP, empowering procurement, compliance and sustainability risks to identify, assess, mitigate, improve, respond and report on suppliers’ risks.

GoSupply value proposition is based on the following foundations:

• 360° supplier vision:
o Collect, Validate and Monitor suppliers’ information
o Up to 15 risk categories covered and 50+ real-time risk alerts
• Combination of Technology and Service
o Combination of 4 sources of information: third parties, client’s
ERPs, suppliers, buyer’s
o 15.000 calls, 30.000 emails and 2.500 chats with suppliers per
annum on average
• Configurable Modular SaaS platform
o Tailored to client’s business and needs
o Questionnaires, analytics, scores and alerts
• Risk adjusted BI
o Risk cycle Management embedded (PPRR) for identification,
assessment, mitigation, resolution
• Integrated with client’s ERP
o Bi-directional integrations to collate key information (ej.
Transactional) and return risk-adjusted KPIs to the place that
matters to procurement teams

Company Info


Principe de Vergara 82, 1-Int, Madrid, Madrid, 28016, Spain





In Their Own Words: GoSupply

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