
Mercanis is a procurement solution focused on the source-to-contract process.

Company Info


Greifswalder Str. 208, Berlin, 10405, Germany


+49 30 233277460


In Their Own Words: Mercanis

Mercanis is a procurement solution focused on the source-to-contract process. The company was founded in September 2020 by Fabian Heinrich and Moritz Weiermann, and soon became one of the leading sourcing suites used by clients such as Linde, Wilson, Frutiger, Oventrop or Hypoport. Mercanis seeks to unleash the power of digital procurement by elevating the sourcing process and offering a holistic approach to managing your supplier activities in an intuitive SRM. To simplify the procurement process, Mercanis introduced four modules areas: sourcing, supplier relationship management, contract management and spend analysis.

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