Prodigo Solutions

Trusted by over half of the U.S. News & World Report Honor Roll Best Hospitals and 20% of the nation’s largest 50 IDN’s, Prodigo exists to help healthcare providers remove costs from their supply chain and achieve patient safety objectives through improved data quality, operational efficiency and supply chain transparency.

Company Info


600 Cranberry Woods Drive, Suite 300, Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, 16066, United States



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In Their Own Words: Prodigo Solutions

Prodigo is a technology solutions company whose primary goal is to help healthcare providers improve financial margins by driving compliance and automation in their supply chain. All of our products are designed and developed for healthcare by healthcare and the healthcare industry sets our strategic direction. We further set ourselves apart in the following ways:

  • We identify an ROI and guarantee it by putting our fees at risk in a pay for performance model.
  • Our customer base is comprised of healthcare providers of varying sizes and across a continuum of care, including many of the top US News & World Report “Honor Roll” hospitals.
  • We have successfully integrated with all of the major ERP systems used in healthcare.
  • We remain IT “lite” by enhancing, not replacing, your existing ERP functionality. This is accomplished through partnerships with healthcare’s leading ERP systems


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