We offer competition, transparency, and efficiency by our software built upon the experience of the procurement practitioners and our professional services to help our clients for the adoption.
The software is composed of 4 modules, available for both modular and suite-like approach, enables adjacent procurement activities for every company regardless of their industry and scale.
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In Their Own Words: Promena
Our professional services help our clients to facilitate their digital transformation journey presenting us not just a tech provider but a procurement partner.
We provide a cloud-based solution which includes;
Supplier Base Management (Supplier on-boarding to Supplier Performance management)
E-Sourcing (creating RFx, eAuction and live monitoring)
E-Procurement (Requisition to Purchase Order process)
Spend Analysis (Analysing Spending pattern to identify savings opportunities)
and complement our solution with our professional services like;
Implementation (Master data & approval workflow definitions, category mapping, role-based user creation)
Integration (Being agnostic to any ERP & AP system we offer ready-made web services)
Training (For each of our modules, our clients can get intensive training sessions both on-site and online)
Supplier Onboarding (We offer supplier training to mitigate supplier onboarding workload and potential bottlenecks while you transit to a new system)
Auction Consultancy (Our team leverages the know-how and experience of a central procurement company managing more than 100 purchasing category and $1 Billion spend under management)
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